Tunnel Fight / Sewer Wars – More rules and ideas

Now then, I am no further along the road towards actually making the tunnel terrain I've been on about for the past month, but further to my magic phase ideas I have a collection of adjustments for other phases.  I'd be interested in your feedback as...

High Elves army vs Tomb Kings

Now then, the third round of our winter tourney won't be happening until January so for he last club night before xmas I've lined up a game against some Tomb Kings.I've only played TK's once before, and that was before their new book was released.  It was also...

Quis custodiet ipsos (Corvus Corax) custodes? – pic heavy

Who guards the (Raven) guard? Indeed.These Sanguinary Guard were parts of my Raven Guard army, from before I started this blog!  When I started it I was firmly in the church of the Black Templars (having been told that they are rubbish, I then set out to build an...

Tunnelfight/Sewer wars Magic Rules : Draft 1

You might remember that I'm trying to adapt warhammer fantasy slightly to have smallish games in a subterranean setting, without reverting to Mordheim-like intricacy.  Here we come onto the magic phase:This was the part of the game that I was most worried about,...

Karnage Kup Round 2 : High Elves vs Skaven (again)

Round 2 of our annual local tournament was a 'Blood and Glory' affair, and having soundly beaten last year's winner Pete and his Skaven in the first round I found myself facing Andy and his Skaven army in the second.  As we were setting up Andy kindly...