Mantic Battlezones Announced

Mantic are back with another release but this time it isn’t a new team for Dreadball! They are instead launching their new futuristic scenery range: Battlezones which they are saying will allow you to easily build a truly 3D gaming space at a genuinely...

Avengers: Age of Ultron Character Art Released

A brief pause from the usual toy solider related awesomeness for a little bit of Avengers awesomeness. If anyone enjoyed the Avengers film as much as I did, excluding Phil who I’m pretty sure still watches that movie every couple of week, [What's your point?...

Orks: Coping with an Outdated Codex

I first started playing 40k when third edition came out. Phil had convinced my Dad to get into it and I shortly followed. I made a vague attempt to collect Imperial Guard but they weren’t for me, despite the awesome old metal models. They felt too structured....

New Lead MVP for Dreadball Xtreme

This is for anyone who has thought that the new characters for Dreadball Xtreme haven’t looked quite as cool as the MVP’s made for the first 3 seasons. Introducing the new lead MVP, Lydia Winger: The Mechanite. I can’t wait to see the model.

New Teams for Dreadball Announced

It’s fair to say that things over at Mantic are moving at a frenetic pace, so here’s hoping that we can keep up. They have just released their first ever non Kickstarter backed supplement; Galactic Tour Series: Azure Forest, which Mantic have hinted will...