Maddie’s Marauder

 Both of my kids have always been fascinated by my miniatures hobby to some extent. Especially the colors of all of my various paint pots and bottles. So on the eve of her 3rd birthday she approached me while I was sitting at my hobby table and asked me if...

Celestial Lions Chaplain (Part 3)

 All ready to use his beat-a-heretic stick. Considerable  progress has been made since the last post.  In fact, I finished the model! Retributer Armor was washed with Reikland Flesh Wash then highlighted with Stormhost Silver. The exception to...

Battlemasters Tower (Part 3)

 Continuing from Part Two, I finally made progress on this thing by painting the doors. Adorable huh?These doors were left in their original black primer for a few years now. The idea was that I would simply dry brush them in a gray and call it done. Only...

Celestial Lions Chaplain (Part 2)

Continuing on from Part 1, it's time to paint this first-born hero. I picked out the gold ornamentation with Retributor Armour and used Skeleton Horde Contrast Paint on the areas I decided to paint a bone color. After a bit of internal debate, I decided to...

Where’s My Thane?

Of all the used dwarf models that came in the lot that I bought back in the summer, the only one missing a component was the Thane model; he was missing his axe.  His mighty axe. Gone. Lost in the warp. "Aye ain't 'armless, aye still got me teeth!"The paint...