Blood Axe Kaptin (Part 3)

I was distracted a bit here and there, and real-life keeps complicating things, but finally I managed to finish this guy.  Mostly. Of course I had to make this Blood Axe Kaptin carry an actual  blood red axe. Well the head of it anyway.. But what really...

Spore Mines (Part 1)

 After my recent game/schooling by Warfrog and his Tyranids, he gifted me some spare bug stuff. One of those was an assortment of the new style Spore Mines. I really like the new, bigger, size and whoever sculpted these things really captured their floaty vibe by...

The Emperor’s Finest (Review)

 Original cover.The Emperor's Finest by Sandy Mitchell.. Ciaphas Cain has been around for 20 years now? It's true! And it has been a good while, too long even, since I read a Ciaphas Cain novel and I felt it was finally time to do so. This story begins...

Venom #2 (Part 2)

 Since part 1 was posted ages ago, this model has passed hands back to Da Masta Cheef and ultimately back to me.  Ok, so the story here is that we had played a game using the remnants of his Eldar Corsair force and they still had the option in Battlescribe...

Here be Spawn! (Part 1)

 Still sealed While making lists for my Worldeaters I found that I had some points to spend. Most of the stuff in the wh40k 10th edition Worldeater's List are too pricey to crunch into the small to moderately sized games that we like to play locally. Then I...