Medusan Wings (Review)

 Medusan Wings by Matt Westbrook. 'We embark, brothers,' said Oblexus, 'Our sworn allies of the Martian priesthood have called for our aid to overcome the xenos who have defiled the holy works of these machines, and we have answered their call. We shall...

The Fallen Moon Page 25 (Art Monday)

 And this concludes Part One. I wanted the ending to be wordless to let the reader absorb the situation. Before I started posting these pages I had considered adding some word balloons to the final panel to indicate that someone in the crew is attempting to...

The Fallen Moon Page 24 (Art Monday)

 This page is showing us the Imperial troops taking cover from massive explosion from the previous page. I recall being inspiredby by footage of U.S. troops doing similar maneuvers during the nuclear tests back in the 1950s.  And the last panel has the...

Fixing a Rogue Trader-era Dreadnought (part 4)

 The finished Furibundus Dreadnought.With a bit of spare time available tonight I was able to get this model finished. Here's the last stages that got me there:I needed something for the base. Recently ordered a pair of Chaos Space Marine Aspiring Champions from...

The Fallen Moon (Page 23)

 So I kind of imagined that the explosion sort of 'bounced' the ship into a nearby mountain. It was that or the momentum would've just carried the thing right into the ground and everyone and everything would just be dead. And that wouldn't have fun right? But a...