Fixing a Rogue Trader-era Dreadnought (Part 3)

WIP.Continuing from part 2, the next stage was to apply the layer of Ultramarines Blue. This is the mid- '90s color that I am thankful to still have a nearly full pot of. It's a brighter version of the color of the same name that came in the '89 Space Marine Paint...

The Fallen Moon Page 22 (Art Monday)

 I wear my Simonson influence proudly! I had fun visualizing the massive explosion that's wiping out everything in it's path. With the forces in disarray vainly trying to escape the oncoming superheated plume. It was always fun drawing the classic rhinos too....

Fixing a Rogue Trader-era Dreadnought (Part 2)

Furibundus update.Welcome back to my Dreadtober project update. Progress has been slow, but I did find a few fleeting moments to apply some dark blue to the areas I wanted to darken. And I painted over the old decals also. Trying to remove the decals using Micro Sol...

More Black Legion Marines (Part 1)

 Yes, more! If you recall back in 2015 I found some of the 2nd edition era Cbaos Space Marines that my  brother built. After re working them a bit, they became my first full squad of Chaos Space Marines. It's time I did some more.The making of new...

The Fallen Moon (Page 21)

 It's rare to see (in comics) extreme bird's-eye views like the one in the last panel. In fact, this maybe the only time I have drawn one outside of art school. I remember how tough it was to do at the time, but it was fun to use one point perspective like...