Black Legion Terminator Sorcerer

This one was in the queue for a very long time. Since late 2018 actually. I had a series of photos for the start of a post that was going to detail how I painted the big chunk of marble that this guy is standing on. However my phone died while I was training in...

The Fallen Moon Page 18 (Art Monday)

 And here is Colonel Roel in his glory. I love this page and I think about it often. If I were to redo this story I would start it here and make these two my lead characters. Until, I believe, the 5th edition Imperial Guard there never was any proper...

The Lions Return

 Mark this day, and remember;  For the Lions have returned to the field of battle! A report on this game is coming soon! Also I think I make have Kushail back on here again soon assuming the tech issue has been solved. Fingers crossed! 

The Fallen Moon Page 17 (Art Monday)

 I'm proud of the layout on this one, but I would definitely change things if I did this now. Most obviously I would make her bum a bit more subtle as I doubt it's possible to get that form-fitting with a coat like that.  I think I was inspired by some of...

Feeling Khorney (Part 11)

This series continues onward*, but now we are focusing on the Khornate Dancers, A.K.A. the 3rd edition era (and still, as of now, current) Khorne Berserkers. The fact that GW has recently announced a Worldeaters Codex has spurred me on to trying to finish these guys....