Feeling Khorney (Part 11)

This series continues onward*, but now we are focusing on the Khornate Dancers, A.K.A. the 3rd edition era (and still, as of now, current) Khorne Berserkers. The fact that GW has recently announced a Worldeaters Codex has spurred me on to trying to finish these guys....

The 2022 Inquisitional Conclave

 At the secret asteroid stronghold deep in the galactic south, a number of ships transition from the warp into realspace. After identification codes have been traded, and vetted to every party's satisfaction, smaller vessels are launched toward the...

Chaos Child (Review)

 Boxtree paperback.This is my review of Chaos Child the 3rd book in the Inquisition War trilogy by Ian Watson. This is the original version printed back in '94 by Boxtree, not the edited and censored version put out later by Black Library. This book continues the...

Lord Inquisitor Kyra Draxus (Part 3)

I am calling this one done. I probably could poke and peck at it a bit more but I'm satisfied with it enough to stop it here. In the last post I had yet to paint the armor. I used Kabalite Green on it. And I decided I was happy with just that color. The...

The Fallen Moon Page 16 (Art Monday)

 Continuing on from Page 15 we can see that the Invictus didn't take that explosion all too well. I thought all the cross-talk in panel two was clever at the time and I still think it holds up. I love a good dynamic explosion, maybe the Blind Visionary crew will...