13th Birthday!

 13 years? Yup, I have been blogging my hobby updates on this Chronicle for 13 years now. I don't normally celebrate this anniversary, and there have been many years when I have totally missed it, but tbis year I thought I might give you folks a behind the scenes...

Bori the Bloody (Part 2)

 Following up from the previous post I got right into painting this fiend. I started out by painting just about the entire model using Khorne Red. An appropriate color choice for sure. On the brass areas I used my tried snd true Ral Partha Bronze. The bones,...

Blood Axe Kaptin (Part 2)

Continuing now from Part 1, I applied a wash of Tesseract Glow all over his flesh. And wow did I love the result of this! Remember, the formula for his flesh up to this point was an Olive Drab Prime, Caliban Green basecoat, and Gretchin Green Foundation Paint. The...

Bori the Bloody (Part 1)

Primed and ready.I had a creative itch the other day. And with a dash of boldness as well. I decided I wanted a khorne specific Daemon Prince, but with my current situation I don't have the disposable income to just go get one. But then I remembered I had a bunch of...

Genestealer Brood #2 (Part 1)

 I did not need to build these guys. I have a lot of Genestealers, more than I can currently field in a game, but I wanted a unit that looked very different from the other painted unit. The first unit, or if you prefer brood, that I painted started off life as a...