The Fallen Moon Page 5 (Art Monday)

 Continuing on from Page 4 the vortex torpedoes hit the Eldar vessel. And just as the Imperials are about to finish them off, more pesky Eldar arrive. I enjoy the first four panels on this page, especially panel four. I think the Captain looks great in that...

The Fallen Moon Page 4 ( Art Monday)

  ..and continuing on from Page 3 we have halfing Colonel Roel successfully serving the Captain a tea. I love how tiny that tea cup looks in that massive power fist. I am not sure why I chose to draw her arm with that banded look. Perhaps I read too many...

Deathwatch Squad Crull (Part 2)

 It took me a bit of time to get back to these guys. After finishing their squad Sergeant, Crull, in Part 1 I was distracted by a few other Deathwatch Units. But now we're back to these chaps and getting them finished up. And with a little bit of focus, I...

The Fallen Moon (Page 3)

 Welcome to page 3. This page transitions from the Captain considering her kid and his future and back to the event at hand. The middle panel was repurposed from a prior piece. In fact it was inked specifically for this project. That piece was reduced...

Bloodsecrator of Khorne (Part 1)

 No I am not building a new AoS army. I bought this guy back in December from a game store in the Morristown Mall (CM Games) that happens to sell used miniatures. He stood out to me and the chaos space marine backpack in particular grabbed my attention. "When did...