Deathwatch: Kill Team Neverness (Part 4)

 And, after way too long, Kill Team Neverness is complete! They'll never be called this, as now they are simply the first finished squad of my (small) Deathwatch army. The three amigos? This first guy was the last guy for me to figure out what his...

The Inquisitional Conclave 2021

 And the time has arrived. Floyd Lawton at 1st Legion Chronicles finished painting up this guy that he ordered from eBay. Presenting Inquisitor Tharok Radron, Ordo Malleus:Inquisitor Tharock Radron.Da Masta Cheef on the other hand managed...

Chaos Bikers (Part 9)

 Taking a break from painting my Deathwatch army, I decided to be a bit chaotic for a bit and finish off this guy who has been mocking me every day that I walked past the painting table. I had about 20 minutes to kill this morning and that was enough time to...

Inquisitional Conclave 2021 (Week 4)

And here we are almost at the end. Remember, the Conclave is taking place on the weekend of the 4th so you basically have thru the 3rd of September to get those Inquisitors painted and pics sent in to me at  This past week a few of us...

Inquisitor Jaq Draco (Part 3)

 And here he is, the finished and completed Inquisitor Jaq Draco as inspired by the original covers of Inquisitor and Chaos Child novels by Ian Watson. For the most part, I think I pulled it off. Let's take a look at the final steps...The finished Jaq.The part I...