Deathwatch: Kill Team Neverness (Part 3)

Deathwatch Epistolary. In spite of the strain on my free time these past few weeks I have managed to paint up another member of this Deathwatch Kill Team. I started this guy way back when the Deathwatch were featured in an early 4th edition Chapter Approved...

Inquisitional Conclave 2021 (Week 1)

 It's paint an Inquisitor month! Hopefully some of you folks out there are fiendishly busy on figuring out who your Inquisitor is for this year's Inquisituonal Conclave or you are already making progress on your model. Remember you can send updates to me at...

Inquisitor Jaq Draco (Part 1)

 Hello. Welcome to my Inquisitor project for this year's Inquisitional Conclave. To sum up, the goal is to paint an Inquisitor, or any model that is part of an Inquisitor's force, by the end of the month of August. Close-up of Draco from the Chaos Child...

Inquisitional Conclave 2021

Greetings, and welcome to the 2021 Inquisitional Coclave. The rules are simple: you have until the end of the month to paint an Inquisitor model. Throughout this month, August 2021, paint it up and send me your progress updates. You're not just limited to an...

Death Jester (Art Mondays!)

 Greetings. Today we feature a piece I thought had been printed in Inquisitor, but after looking through the two issues I did some art in, I can't find it. Regardless it's one I still like and I am happy to share it with you lot.  The Death Jesters were...