Blood Axe Boys (Part 3)

Think'n 'bout it.As any ork player knows, five models does not a Boyz squad make. So before I got too much further on these guys I wanted to double-up on the model count. Thankfully I have A LOT of first edition miniatures ready for the role. Da new recruits. Or...

Abernathy The Black Monk

 The Black Monk.Father Abernathy The Black Monk of Unicoi Secondus. When I wrote the taunting email to Da Masta Cheef as prelude for our recent game (The Prize), the character of the wacky zealot Father Abernathy the Black Monk was born. Super easy...

Sister Of Battle (Art Monday)

 Here is a Sister Of Battle/Adepta Sororitas blasting away with her bolter. This was done after the SOB line was launched at the tail-end of Warhammer 40,000's second edition. I had explored a Sister earlier for a piece that was published in Inquisitor Magazine...

Ratlings Report (Part 1)

 Ratlings! My recent challenge to paint 500 pts in Imperial Guard led to my attention falling on these guys. They were the first IG miniatures that I ever owned, but they weren't necessarily purchased for use in the Imperial Army. Way back in in 1994 while...

Moon Over Termagant (Art Mondays)

 This is a termagant on a cliff overlooking a newly claimed world for the Hivemind.  I tried to make it look more like the original Rogue Trader era model but fused with some of the 40k Second Edition era design. And yes, that's a spike rifle. Weird that the...