Eeew, Grotti (Part 2)

 Grotti.It's close to 5 years now since I last put any consideration towards this miniature. While reviewing my painting queue backlog at the New Year I found him lurking under some backpack sprues for my Deathwatch Marines. I have more nurglings that I want...

Tales From The Smoking Wyrm #3

Hello! I am happy, nay, THRILLED to announce that the Kickstarter for Tales From The Smoking Wyrm #3 is now live! And before I had the chance to share that news with you folks here, it has already funded! It funded in less than 2 hours and is still going...

The Fifth Death Guard Experiment

 The fifth and final miniature from this old five model boxed set to find itself part of my experiments in Death Guard coloration is the guy I decided to make into the unit Champion. I never originally intended to make this guy the unit Champion, it just all sort...

The Fourth Death Guard Experiment.

 The fourth member of these old school (it pains me to admit that '96 is old, but here we are...*sigh*) has been completed. He is pretty close to the previous guy, Experiment #3, who followed the steps and scheme for Experiment #2.  To sum up, he is...

Great Unclean One kit maximizing Part 1 (TSG Project)

Greetings. Some time ago Dr. TSG sent me some photos of a project he had started. You see, he just loves to convert models and has a rather strong dislike of the current trend of mono-posed models that offer little customization. So when he got his hands on the...