Dances with Ur-Ghuls

 A pair of Ur-Ghuls. Every good Archon (ur, well evil technically) has to have a retinue and one of the weirdest options they can have are some Ur-Ghuls. When their first miniatures were released on the scene GW had just transitioned to Finecast...

Grots (Part 4)

 Continuing on from Part 3 I added the old Citadel Color called Sunburst Yellow (my favorite yellow paint) to the yellow areas on these models. I then painted the noses, and a few knuckles, "red" using the method that Warhammer TV presented in a video...

Fanatics! (Part 2)

 A Work In Progress Fanatic. It's been over a year now since I last made a post about these guys, and I decided it was definitely time to revist them. Back in part 1 however I was focusing on the three metal miniatures I was adding to my Night...

2020 Year In Review

 What a long grueling year this has been! Without dwelling on the real-world suck-feast that has been 2020, I'm just going to use this space to simply showcase the miniatures and models that I actually managed to get finish. It's an annual tradition here at the...

Grots! (Part 3)

 With holidays, family stuff, work and artwork taking up the majority of my time this, I did find a few fleeting moments in December to slap some more paint onto the grots. Pressing forward with these guys, I went ahead and moved on to the next stage which was to...