Dreadtober 2020 Black Legion Hellbrute (Part 4)

 It's getting down to final days of the month and it looks like I am going to miss the deadline by a few days. Not wanting to do a rush job and confound what I think is turning out to be a good paint job so far, I have decided to just do what I can do but concede...

Dreadtober 2020 Black Legion Hellbrute (Part 3.5)

 Due to the technical issues I was having last time I wasn't able to share all of my progress pics. Hopefully I get them to you today. So creepy I had to use this pic twice.This first pic is the Reikland Fleshwash step over the Bugman's Glow...

Dreadtober 2020 Black Legion Hellbrute (Part 3)

This is my 2nd attempt to write this post. my first attempt disappeared after fighting Blogger when I was attempting to add the final photos. This new interface is fricking aweful and is very hard to use on a mobile device. Now when I upload a photo all I see is code,...

Dreadtober 2020: Black Legion Hellbrute (Part 2)

The month is rolling by fast, the season is in a colorful state of change here in the mountains of East Tennessee, and tucked away in our shotgun shack progress on this warmachine of Chaos continues. In Part 1 of this series I focused on the modeling and...

Storm Their Lines

Finally, after 16 months, I got to play a game of Warhammer 40,000. Da Masta Cheef and I arranged to play a game at the local Hobbytown USA and we choose to keep tradition alive by agreeing to another Ork vs. Ork game. This is also my first game of the 9th...