Bad Moon Nob (Part 1)

Back in late May of 2019 I found a game store close to my job that sold used miniatures, and I was able to score a complete Ork Boyz boxed set (sans box) for a very generous price. I had been wanting to whip up a Bad Moons unit of Boyz to supplement my budding Bad...

Wolfpriest Jorvik Blacktooth (Part 2)

Wolfpruest Jorvik Blacktooth.With a pause in my art duties, and a slight Spring break for myself, I took a few moments to try to complete a few things in my painting queue that wouldn't take too much work to finish. One such model was Wolfpriest Jorvik Blacktooth...

Tales from the Smoking Wyrm #2

Hello. Blind Visionary launched the Kickstarter for Tales from the Smoking Wyrm #2 a few days ago. And I'm happy to report that it has already funded! Yay!And if you were one of the contributors for this or the previous issue, then I humbly thank you.Cover...

The Neverness Crusade

Praying for you. To burn for your heresy!Here is a post that I should have written many years ago. I have been a fan of the Adepta Sororitas since Rogue Trader, when we were presented with just a snippet of info and a glorious pic of Sister Sin snuffing out a...

Intercessors of Fenris (Part 6)

My attention returns now to the second squad of Intercessors that I started some time back. In the last post of this series,  Intercessors Part 5,  you can see the completed models of the first squad. Or were they the second? The first Primaris models I...