by Nick Beattie | Aug 18, 2014
So being a blog predominantly about old mate vamps and their undeath, the heralding of the approaching 'Legions of Undeath' aswell as the Undeath magic lore are a bit of a worry I must say..From the small amounts of info gleaned it looks like law of undeath allows...
by Nick Beattie | Aug 17, 2014
So just a little update as to how I'm traveling with my dead lines, I'm up to the last leg of the race and god willing I should make it. I still have 2 weeks until the dead line so I'm almost there.A couple of weeks ago I showed you this:July18thComplete 15 wolves...
by Nick Beattie | Aug 10, 2014
So finally have the Blood Knights at say, 95% finished (need shields, weapons, blood and basing).While I must say it is these models that made me go VC and I would rate them as my favourite models produced by GW and I reckon would be the best looking Cav models...
by Nick Beattie | Aug 7, 2014
So all loyal readers....As promised finally some pictures of the Blood Dragons that are within my army.As a whole they still need complete finishing (basing, blood, shields and lances)but they are pretty much done and I'm pretty wrapped with them.First I'll throw up...
by Nick Beattie | Jul 31, 2014
Hey all.Still cracking along with the Blood Dragons and should have them finished in the next couple of days (Life and GF permitting ;) ).Anyway I'll get the quick fluff-report up, again no pictures so apologies for that guys, but please CC the hell out of me if you...