Vikings Phase One: 2nd Warrior Unit FINISHED

Hi everyone,The unit is ready and so is the first phase of the army!!!After several months of painting between jobs, before and after jobs, during work breaks and on the little time off, I can finally sit back and admire my neatly painted, tabletop-worthy viking...

Vikings Phase One: 2nd Warrior Unit Pt.4

Hi everyone,The first two figures of this group are done. The painting like all the rest are basic earth colours with a few reds and blues for interest.I painted these two first because they have similar attire; that is trousers, shields, and bare chests. This makes...

Vikings Phase One: 2nd Warrior Unit Pt.3

Hi everyone,So half this unit is now done!  I want get into too much detail with this post since the process is mostly the same. Basically cleaning, priming, cleaning again, undercoats and base coats; and as always I do this 4 at a time. I am dying to get...

Vikings Phase One: 2nd Warrior Unit Pt.2

Hi everyone,So I have finished the first two miniatures of the second warrior unit.  These include the leader and one of the bondi.It is good to note off the bat, that in Saga, units of warriors do not have leaders; but visually, leader models do not hurt at...

Vikings Phase One: 2nd Warrior Unit Pt.1

Hi everyone,I have started the last unit of viking warriors in order to finish the first phase of this project.  Finishing this project is really satisfying for me.  For the past several months I have finished several 'first phase' projects I have embarked...