The Normans: The Knights

Hi everyone,Now that the first phase of my Viking project is over, I shall soon start the first phase of my Norman project.The next three weeks, including this one, will cover the basic units I have bought.  Then I will start up a series of posts detailing the...

Skorne : The Bronzeback Titan

Hi everyone,So before I start painting up the Titan Gladiators, I wanted to put the Bronzeback together as well.  I wanted to do this in order to paint all three simultaneously. Like all the other Titans, the Bronzeback does disappoint as well when it comes to...

Skorne : The Titan Gladiators pt.2

Hi everyone,After completing the build of the first Titan Gladiator, I decided I wanted to build the second so I could start painting them together.  The problem was that the second Gladiator was exactly the same as the first!  These kits from Privateer...

Skorne : The Titan Gladiators pt.1

Hi everyone,So over a year ago, just before Hordes MkIII dropped, I decided to get into Warmahordes.  I had been thinking about it for years, but to be truthful I thought the miniatures were overall awful!  The only factions that really caught my...

Merkava Diorama – Part 9 Finished

Hi everyone,I have finally put the whole thing together, and I can now say that the project is finally finished.  It was a long road.  I had several pitfalls along the way - the oversized miniatures and the undersized building the main problems.  In the...