Vikings Phase One: The Berserkers Pt.3

Hi everyone,I have finally finished the painting of the first two berserkers.  I decided to split them up in groups of two because my painting sessions are very brief at the moment and it seemed more economical to paint less and achieve more than paint more and...

Vikings Phase One: The Berserkers Pt.2

Hi everyone,I am back again with a short post on the Viking Berserkers.  I left off last post with the washes on the fur areas.  Today I continue working on the fur and beards and get them out of the way.I do this for one simple reason - drybrushing! ...

Vikings Phase One: The Berserkers Pt.1

Hi everyone,The Berserkers are here, the field of battle will never be the same for the other Saga factions! - If I get to play anymore games that is!In the meantime I content myself with painting the army up.  So the first step was to clean the models  as...

Covenant of Antartica Sale on Ebay

Hi everyone,I put my Covenant of Antartica fleet on Ebay for sale.  It was a sad day, but I have not played the game in over a year, and I don't see myself playing it anymore - lack of time and life in general.Since I need the space, I decided to sell it and...

Vikings Phase One: The Hearthguard

Hi everyone,Today I bring you my first unit of Hearthguard or Hirdmen for my Viking force for Saga by Studio Tomahawk. As you can see they are a smaller unit than the Warriors, numbering four models instead of eight. There is the option in the rules of combining two...