Conan Monolith Kickstarter Arived!!!

Hi everyone,I have interrupted my Viking project posts to show off many newly arrived Conan Kickstarter.I have been waiting for this for around a year and a half I think.  Overall I think it was worth the wait. I bought into the Barbarian Pledge, which at 90...

Vikings Phase One – 1st Warrior Unit pt2

Hi everyone,I have finally finished my first unit of Viking warriors for Saga!  Painting them is fun, but they take up way more time than say a Space Marine or Algoryn. This is because they are wearing a variety of clothes, and variation is key in order to make...

Vikings Phase One – 1st Warrior Unit pt1

Hi everyone,I have started work on my first unit of viking warriors for Saga.  A standard unit of warriors consists of eight models which you can distribute into units of 4 to 12 models.Personally I will leave them at eight.  I find this number to be more...

Vikings Phase One – The Warlord

Hi everyone,After completing the first phase of my Sylvan Army, I decided to do the same with my Viking Warband for Saga.  I am tired of playing with unpainted miniatures and I have decided that the situation has to change!Phase One of this project will consist...

Good Bye Antares, Hello Hordes!

Hi everyone,I think the title is very clear!  I have finally given up on The Gates of Antares. The game is just not taking root down here.  After playing several demo games no one seems interested in investing in a force. It is a true pity, because I really...