Kings Of War: Converting my Dryads Part 5 – Finished

Hi everyone,So I have finally finished my Dryad/Hunters of the Wild unit.  Now all I needed to do was base it.At this point I was still not happy with it.  The unit still seemed a bit empty, so I decided to add some forest sprites to it.The Wood Elf plastic...

Kings of War – Rebasing Skarloc’s Archers

Hi everyone,Today I continue with the re-basing of my old Wood Elves - although I prefer the term 'Old School' to simply 'old'.  Skarloc's archers by Jes Goodwin have always been my favourite unit, and I think they set the benchmark for what an elf should look...

Kings of war: Rebasing Grenadier Wood Elves

Hi everyone,I have been busy lately working with my Wood Elves for KOW.  If you have followed my blog, you know I am a convert to multi-bases, and I am slowly converting my army to these types of bases.So the next to fall under my scrutiny are my unit of old Wood...