Saga Vikings – The Warriors

Hi everyone,So today I want to talk a bit about my warriors, or as I call them, the workhorse of my army.Altogether I have 3 units of warriors or bondsmen, as they are called among viking culture. Two of the units are armed with hand weapons and shields, but one unit...

Saga Vikings – The Hearthguard

Hi everyone,Today I want to cover the elites of my army, or as the rulebook puts it - the Hearthguard. For the vikings, the hearthguard are the Hirdmen.  They come in units of 4 miniatures for 1 point. You can convert up to one unit of Hirdmen into berserkers -...

Saga Vikings – The Warlords

Hi everyone,Today I start a new journey into Saga and the Dark Ages.  So it is only appropriate to kick off this new project with a dedicated blog series.To launch off these posts I am starting with the Vikings - specifically the Warlords.  Now my Viking...

Beginning Saga

Hi everyone,For Xmas I decided to buy myself a gift.  I am usually not so self-absorbed to do such a thing, but this year I had to work through the whole festive season and I thought I deserved it.I chose Saga from a company called Studio Tomahawk after a friend...

The Clan of the White Arm

Hi everyone,I have finally finished the Clan of the White Arm - my Algoryn force for Beyond the Gates of Antares.Overall, and not considering the quality of the casts, I am quite happy ith ho they tuned out.  I think they make a pesentable force for tabletop...