Algoryn AI Assault Squad Finished

Hi everyone,I have finally finished the Algoryn AI Assault Squad, except for he bases which I will do all in one go when all the force is painted up.I had a small problem with this unit as I tried giving it a black oil wash which took several days to dry in this cold...

An Explosive New Year with Algoryn Support!

Hi everyone, I am back before the new year to wish you all - well - a Happy New Year!  I wont manage to write another post before then due to work, so now is my only chance. On the last post I was working on my Algoryn AI Assault troops, but I had to stop for a...

A Merry Algoryn Xmas

Hi everyone,First of all a merry Xmas to one and all.  If you don't celebrate - then all the best just the same.  I am writing this in my work break, so it will be short.I have just finished my Algoryn Command Unit this morning before I came to work....

After Selling Epic – What I bought!

Hi everyone,I finally have sold off all my Epic 40K models, bar two items, and I finally received all the goodies I bought with the proceeds. The pictures below tell the story better than I ever can!As you can see from the photograph above, I decided to buy into...

1st Algoryn AI Squad – Clan of the White Arm

Hi everyone,So, with the EU Summit over, CHOGM concluded and the Queen gone, I finally have a small slot to breath before Xmas puts work back into 5th gear.Due to the high demands of work, all my projects fell into a sort of limbo, and I don't want to start them just...