Community Spirit – At Work!

Hi everyone,I know it has been sometime since my last post, but I was kicked out of my stupor after finding out that one of my favourite miniature companies was under severe financial duress.  I am talking about Heresy Miniatures.I have bought from Heresy...

The Wolf King is Coming – About time

Hi everyone,Finally, after several years of waiting, the Space Wolves get another novel in the Horus Heresy series.  Now this fills me up with joy and dread at the same time.If any of you have ever read my post about Prospero Burns, you will know that I have very...

Mantic KOW Kickstarter

Hi everyone,I have just come back from my holiday in the Italian Dolomites, and guess what I find in the post box? - My first Kickstarter!  This is the new 2nd edition of one of my favorite fantasy battle systems - KINGS OF WAR.Those who have followed this blog...

Merkava Diorama – Part 4

Hi everyone,So August has come and gone - and thank God for that!  I swear that with all the heat and humidity, I did not do anything hobby-wise, nor did I have the energy to do so. I was simply living in a lethargy bubble; oblivious off everything and...

Merkava Diorama – Part 3

Hi everyone,Just came back from my break, and believe it or not, I feel even more tired than before - especially with this heat wave we're living through.Despite the sweltering heat and the unbearable humidity, I have managed to overcome my lethargy and sit down and...