Eaglemoss Wolverine: Part 3

Hi everyone,I have finally finished the corner for the diorama.  As with most of my work, I enjoy the construction part more than the actual painting - but paint I must!, but that is for another post.As you can see, the sides and part of the brick work is covered...

Zenos – all systems go!

Hi everyone,The title says it all!  Last week was spent painting up my Zeno unit for Dystopian Wars and today I have the pleasure of posting them.  I will not go into detail as to how I painted them as the procedure is the same with my other models.  It...

Vanir Drop Ship by ACPGames

Hi everyone,Just a short post to let you know that the Vanir Drop Ship by ACPGames is coming to an end.  The last 4/5 days are here (depending on which part of the world you live in I guess).I am writing this simply because I want to encourage anyone who loves...

Nemesis Light Strike Vehicle Review

Hi everyone,For the past two months I have been working on a project very close to my heart.  As some of you know, I am a fan of Flames of War (FOW), as well as sci-fi.  So I have decided to work on a sci-fi supplement for FOW. I won't go into detail about...

Ebay Epic 40k Sales Wave 5

Hi everyone,Just a quick post in glory of self-promotion!  These are the last of my Epic 40K collection so I promise there will be no more posts like these.  Hopefully, if these minis sell, I will invest the money in the Covenant of Antarctica Naval Battle...