Dystopian Wars: Icarus Flyers Pt.2

Dystopian Wars: Icarus Flyers Pt.2

Hi everyone,Today its the second part of the Icarus flyers article.  I have to admit that overall I like the shape and form of these models and I hope I did them justice with my quick painting scheme.Enough talk then - on with the article.  The next...
Dystopian Wars: Icarus Flyers Pt.1

Dystopian Wars: Icarus Flyers Pt.1

Hi everyone,This is the last stretch of my first New Year's resolution to finish up my COA force for Dystopian Wars.  I will not go into detail with these two posts as the techniques used are the same as my other COA entries.  So without further ado, let us...
Dystopian Wars: Ptolemy Bombers Pt.2

Dystopian Wars: Ptolemy Bombers Pt.2

Hi everyone,Today I conclude my article on the Ptolemy Bombers.  I left off last week after finishing the base coat.  The next step is masking the models for the camo effects.  This sounds a bit labour intensive but, believe it or not, it was done in...
Dystopian Wars: Ptolemy Bombers

Dystopian Wars: Ptolemy Bombers

Hi everyone,Today I start a new article on my Dystopian Wars COA army; the Ptolemy bombers.  This is my second flying unit, the first being the Daedalus large flyer.At first, I wanted my COA fleet to have a coordinated theme and pattern.  Since then I have...
Dystopian Wars: New Naval Battle Group

Dystopian Wars: New Naval Battle Group

Hi everyone,Lately, in my spare time, I have been working on  my Covenant of Antarctica (COA) force.  I have been doing this for two reasons.  Firstly, so I could play with a painted force, and secondly because it was one of my New Year's resolutions.My...