Flames of War – Pak 40

Flames of War – Pak 40

Hi everyone,Tonight I have just finished taking pictures of the PaK40s I have just built up from Battlefront Miniatures.I have heard a lot over the internet about how expensive Battlefront miniatures are, but I have never actually seen any of them up close - so...

Dystopian Wars – Plato Cruisers

Hi everyone,Today I write about my Plato Cruisers and token Drone flyers that I have just finished painting up.  Unlike the small vessels, I wanted my large and medium ships to have a more 'traditional' look or pattern to them, but I wanted them just...

Dystopian Wars – Diogenes Frigate

Hi everyone,I am a bit late with this post, but I had internet problems again, even tough I am still above my quota of at least 2 posts per month for the summer period - so all is good.As I said from the last post, Dystopian Wars has caught on at my local wargaming...
Playing Dystopian Wars Traditionally

Playing Dystopian Wars Traditionally

Hi everyone,Today I will be talking briefly about Dystopian Wars.  This is one of the games I have branched into after the discontinuation of GW's Specialist Games section.At first I only bought the airborne range of miniatures from the Covenant of Antarctica...

Review : Bitspudlo Storm Wolf

Hi everyone,Today I would like to do a quick review of a miniature I bought recently, and which I always wanted since I first saw it.  It is one of Bitspudlo's Storm Wolves.  Now I know that GW have their own Thunder Wolves in plastic, but I like the idea of...