The Rhinos – Part 3

Hi everyone,This post was a bit unexpected.  I was not going to paint up the rhinos just yet as I have another project I want to finish up, but I have a game of 40k and I just wanted to field them.  So I decided to compromise and I painted them with a base...
The Rhinos – Part 2

The Rhinos – Part 2

Hi everyone,As promised, I have continued working on the detailing of the rhinos.  This has been quite fun, since I am more in my element here.  They are basically ready and all they need is a nice coat of paint.With both rhinos I added some stowage on...
The Rhinos – Part 1

The Rhinos – Part 1

Hi everyone,I have finally got around to building up my two Rhinos for my Space Wolves.  I have had these two kits for a long time.  One I had bought when the new Rhino model had come out (the light grey one), and the other came with the Space Marine...
The End of the Year is Here! What?

The End of the Year is Here! What?

Well at least for me it is!  Hi everyone.  I work in the hospitality industry and the high season has begun in my corner of the planet.  That means more work, but also more overtime and extra shifts - hence more needed funds.  The high season lasts...

A Eulogy For Specialist Games

Hi everyone,A bit over a week ago I heard the news over the blogosphere that Games Workshop was closing down its Specialist section on their site.  Those who know me personally and those who have read my blog once in a while, know I am an avid Epic and 10mm/15mm...