Minotaurs Vs Lamenters Vignette

Hi everyone, I am currently giving the finishing touches to my Space Wolf Diorama which I will post soon.  In the meantime I have been working on a small vignette on the Minotaur Vs Lamenters struggle during the Badab War.  Of all the Badab engaments,...

Kings of War for 15mm and 10mm

Hi everyone, I have recently played a game of Kings of War (KOW) from Mantic Games and I have to say I really enjoyed it.  The game is simple, but not simplistic and opens up a wide variation of possibilities for the gamer to explore.  It is also fast paced...

More 15mm Dwarves – Hurray!

Hi everyone, Here is another dwarven unit that I finished last month but was too lazy to take a photo of and upload to the blog - as usually it seems these days.  I have other finished units, but to be honest its so hot and humid that I just go to work, come home...

15mm Dwarfs – First painted Unit

Hi everyone, One of the great things about wargaming in 15mm, is that you can build up armies quickly, simply and efficiently.  There is no need to paint in details of every single miniature.  One can paint in block colours with a quick wash to tie up the...

15mm Dwarves

Hi everyone, I have been dabbling in 15mm wargaming of late, maybe you have seen the other posts on my 15mm Orcs, in any case I always wanted to build two armies for wargaming in this scale.  I have completely given up fantasy wargaming in 28mm for a few years...