English Knight

Hi everyone, The last month I tried my hand at historical modelling for a change. After I migrated from Warhammer fantasy wargaming to historical wargaming, I thought the change in painting genres might be refreshing, and I was right. I found a 54mm English Knight...

The 2nd Grey Hunter Pack – Part 2

Hi everyone, I have just put on the finishing touches to the last five Grey Hunters and I have left them over night to dry.  This morning I took two pictures and here they are: As you can see I have kept more or less the same themes throughout, that is wolf-tooth...

The 2nd Grey Hunter Pack – Part 1

Hi everyone, I have just finished putting together the first five minis of my new Grey Hunter pack, the second of three I intend to build up before I stop once and for all with GW army building.  The reason simply is that GW have pushed me out of 40K gaming &...

Crimson Fist Anniversary Model

Hi everyone, I just received the latest Crimson Fist Anniversary Model in the post yesterday, and I thought to share it with the community.  I wont be showing the box art since it has already been discussed and shown over the net. We all know the fame of...

The Ork Nob and other Domestic Adventures!

Hi everyone, I know I haven't been a good blogger lately, but this situation unfortunately will persist up to about the end of November.  I have currently taken out a home loan and bought myself an apartment, simply because renting is not a viable long term...