Another Open Letter to GW

Hi everyone, I saw this on Beasts of War and I have decided to post it up as well.  I have already posted the open letter from Kirby who more or less pointed out the consumer's reasons why GW's policy is not beneficial to the hobby.  I think this video...

Promethean Sun

Hi one and all, I was the seventy-fifth of three thousand that managed to get hold of Promethean Sun, the collocetor's edition that could only be bought as a web exclusive through the Black Library site.  It was a 30 minute ordeal which ended up with me placing...

An Open letter to GW:- A Kirby re-post

Hi everyone, Like most hobbyists out there I was very disappointed with GW's new price hike and controlling.  Although the shipping conditions do not affect me, I feel a strong solidarity to my fellow 40K gamers and modelers abroad and I would like to see GW...

Fenrisian Wolves

Hi one and all, It's been a while since I have updated my blog, I know, but at the club we have been caught up in the Warhammer 8th edition frenzy and so everyone has been updating their armies. So I swam with the current and spent some quality time with my Wood...

Diorama Base Nearly Ready

Hi everyone, I have finally found the time to finish the Wolfguard diorama, between the madness the Libyan situation is causing in the Hotel industry in this little country and my other commitments.  But finally I can post some pics. I have to admit that I have...