Searching for Epic Proxy Miniatures, For Epic

Searching for Epic Proxy Miniatures, For Epic My search for Epic Proxy miniatures and what I found. The End of an Era After GW dropped Epic and the other Specialist Games they retired most... The post Searching for Epic Proxy Miniatures, For Epic appeared...

Epic Armageddon Necrons, Thoughts and Comments

Epic Armageddon Necrons, Thoughts and Comments Back in 2010 I, for some reason, decided that I wanted a Necrons army for Epic. There has never been any official rules or miniatures from GW but... The post Epic Armageddon Necrons, Thoughts and Comments...

Epic, the Bastard Brother of 40k – History

Epic, the Bastard Brother of 40k – History We start with some history… 1st Edition – Titans and Marines Epic were first released back in 1988 as Adeptus Titanicus. The game was as the title... The post Epic, the Bastard Brother of 40k –...

Quick WIP’s of My Current Painting Projects

Quick WIP’s of My Current Projects Just a quick preview of the two projects I’m currently working on after I finished Red Riding Hood, Shaetann and an Old Witch: Issues With Skin I’m having... The post Quick WIP’s of My Current...

Red Riding Hood – Finished and Based

Red Riding Hood – Finished and Based I can finally call Red Riding Hood finished. I’ve worked on for a longer time than I have on any other miniature before and I hope it payed off.... The post Red Riding Hood – Finished and Based appeared first on...