
Hey there! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Rob, and I used to have a blog here years ago, mostly focused on my tabletop wargaming. Unfortunately, I moved away from blogging as social media sites rose in popularity, and mostly shared my thoughts on those...

On High Elves

So, last night I finished the Tyrion campaign for Total War: Warhammer 2. It’s an awesome game, and I totally had a blast. It reminded me of when I started trying to get into Warhammer Fantasy with High Elves during 8th Edition. However, that never got off the ground...

On High Elves

So, last night I finished the Tyrion campaign for Total War: Warhammer 2. It’s an awesome game, and I totally had a blast. It reminded me of when I started trying to get into Warhammer Fantasy with High Elves during 8th Edition. However, that never got off the ground...
WIP: The Obsidian Knight

WIP: The Obsidian Knight

When I first saw the Imperial Knight pictures hit the internet, there was one paint scheme I immediately fell in love with – the Obsidian Knight. While it wasn’t as fancy or colorful as some of the other Knight designs, it had a nice, stark feel to it. It...

So Beautiful, So Dangerous…

A month without posting. Time has gotten away from me, but I’ve been busy in the meantime. If the picture isn’t obvious (or isn’t visible, depending on how you’re reading this), I picked up one of the new Imperial Knight kits, and I now have it...