My First Forge World Foray…

Work on my Nurgle marines continues, and this time I had an opportunity to do something I’d never done before – work with Forge World bits. I managed to snag a set of Death Guard conversion bits off of eBay a couple of weeks ago, and this past week I set...

Progress With Papa Nurgle

Two weeks since my last post. So much for my goal of posting once every calendar week. Still, I actually have hobby progress for the first time in a long while, so I’ll go with it. This week, I’ve managed to start work on my Nurgle Chaos Marines, getting...

Goodbye Guard, Hello Nurgle

Last night I packed my Imperial Guard purchases into a box, and this morning it was shipped off to Chicago to a lucky buyer. The more I looked at it, the less I wanted to work on it. For the first time, I found a 40K army for which I just have absolutely no passion....

2014: Time To Get Back To Work

Has it really been two months since I’ve blogged last? Apparently, it has been. I think I can chalk that up to a combination of busy schedules and cold temperatures. Besides the holiday season, I found and started a new job in late November/early December, and...

Black Templars: Project Complete!

What you see above is the last 9 models I had to paint to complete my Independent Characters 2014 Painting Challenge. They were half-finished on my workbench two weeks ago, but now they’re all finished and ready for the tabletop. This finally completes the army...