To Convert or Not To Convert

That is the question, isn’t it? This past week, I managed to grab an older plastic Leman Russ and a Basilisk for my IG army, and as I work on ideas for it I find myself second-guessing my original ideas. Originally, I’d been thinking about converting the...

5 Wargames I Would Play If I Had Infinite Resources

Oh, to have a TARDIS. It’d be awesome to have access to infinite space and time, and it seems like money is never an object when you have a TARDIS at your disposal. Of course, being me, I’d probably find a way to work it into my hobbies. What games would I...

What’s Currently On My Workbench

Normally, I try to keep my number of active projects to a minimum, preferably no more than one or two. This doesn’t necessarily include half-done things that I’ll get back to eventually (like my Malifaux crew), but things I’ve actively worked on in...

Black Templars: Helbrecht Complete!

 I completed my High Marshal Helbrecht last night/this morning. He’s not quite up to par with the official ‘Eavy Metal paintjob, and the Finecast model ended up being rougher in spots than I’d originally thought, but all in all I’m very happy...

Black Templars: Moving On, With Options

Let’s jump right in, shall we? After reading through the new Space Marine codex, making adjustments for things like the Emperor’s Champ taking up an HQ slot, and recalculating point costs, my current Black Templars list – the one I’m working on...