Imperial Guard – Getting My Feet Wet

What you see above is a lot of Imperial Guard minis that I just happened to luck onto at an amazing price. Now, what’s there in this picture is slightly converted for making Traitor Guard, but I’ve decide to forgo that path (my Slaaneshi Chaos Marines...

Black Templars: Land Raider Crusader, and the Future

For August, I had a Land Raider Crusader to add to my Black Templar army, and it is done. Even though it was only a single model, as crazy as this month has been (I still haven’t posted photos from Games Day, and I’ve totally ignored my blog), I got it...

July’s Templar Project – Complete!

I have lots of Games Day pictures to go through and post, but in the meantime I wanted to post the next installment of my Black Templar painting challenge progress. This month, I had a pair of Land Speeder Typhoons to work on, and I can gladly report that I finished...

So I Went to DieCon…

Life has finally settled to the point where I can actually get back to blogging! A couple of weeks ago, I had a chance to go to DieCon 13 in Collinsville, IL (in the greater St. Louis area) to attend the Gateway Grand Tournament there. I’d gone two years ago, so...

What I’ve Been Doing In June

Painting! So much painting! I'm normally a slow painter, but I had one month to paint up my new Tau acquisitions and army list adjustments to get them ready for the Gateway Grand Tournament this weekend at DieCon 13. Some old, some new, all purchased, and a little bit...