Black Templars: March’s Painting Progress

 That's right, March. April was so Tau-focused that I completely forgot to post what I'd painted in March on my Black Templars army. First, a group of Sword Brethren Assault Terminators.  I did note that the Terminator in the middle didn't get his tilt shield...

1000 Point Tau: First Draft

I've got a 1000-point tournament on May 18th at our local store, so I think it'll be a good opportunity to take the new Tau codex out for a spin. I'm wanting to do something a bit different than my older Tau lists, so I'm thinking about going Crisis Suit-less....

Tau Gotchas

I'm working on compiling a list of "gotcha" bits from the Tau codex... those easily-overlooked rules bits that could end up screwing you over when you discover that you've been playing the army incorrectly at the most inopportune moments. Let's start, shall we? If...

Tau: A Tale of Three Commanders

While the Commander is no longer a must-take in the Tau army, I think it's still the single most flexible HQ choice by virtue of its many options. Between weapons, support systems, and signature systems, you can kit out a Commander to serve a variety of different...

Tau Codex: Initial Impressions

I've had the weekend to go over the new Tau codex a few times, and while I don't have my brain wrapped around all of the changes and new toys yet, I'm definitely liking what I'm seeing so far. While it's a similar army to what we had before, it's definitely been...