Fireknife 2.0?

  We're two days out from the new Tau codex, and info and photos of the English codex are starting to pop up everywhere. I'm not going to post any here for legal reasons, but you can easily find them online at this point. There's enough info now to start figuring...

More Tau Pictures, More Observations

Check it out - we've got a new Farsight coming. There's a few things I find interesting about this model and the text in this article. First off, the new sculpt is nice, and puts him halfway between the old blocky XV-8 chassis and some of the Forge World designs. I...

Finally, New Tau!!

After a long, long wait, we finally have confirmation that the Tau are getting a new codex and new minis next month! As always, the first (admittedly tiny and grainy) photos from the new White Dwarf and a nice bit of rules teasers are available over at Faeit 212, and...

February’s Black Templar Progress

February was a crazy month. Besides being the shortest month on the calendar, we got snowed in, and I hunted for and acquired a new job. Despite all that, I managed to get another two Crusader Squads and a Chaplain done for my Black Templars. Granted, it's taken me...

Back In 2013 With Black Templars

  It's been a busy couple of months here, with the holidays and family illnesses and such, but I'm back to my blogging. I've also been painting, and I finally have some of my Black Templars completely painted. My first Crusader Squad, along with a variety of...