Slaanesh: Observations from the Weekend

Played at a small tournament - well, ran a small tournament, and played to fill in the odd number spot - with my Slaanesh CSM/Daemons army, and I'm pretty satisfied with the results. I ended up going 2-1, with wins against Khorne CSM and Nurgle CSM, and a loss against...


I actually managed to grab a week of vacation time over the Thanksgiving holiday, and miraculously we had 60+ degree weather for most of it. Given that it's not going to be long before we're deep in winter, I figured that it's time to get priming while the weather's...

Slaanesh: A Little From Column A, A Little From Column B

Like many people, I've been trying to decipher the riddle of Chaos Marine troops, and I keep vacillating between Cultists, Chaos Marines, and Noise Marines. Looking again at the core of my list right now, I've got: HQ: Chaos Lord w/Mark of Slaanesh, Aura of Dark...

Bikes and Apostles and Havocs, Oh My!

The bikes I started three weeks ago are finally together; I opted for meltaguns over plasma because I needed some anti-armor punch. Even the bike champ is toting around a combi-melta liberated from my loyalist bits to provide that extra shot when necessary. The lord...

Slaanesh: Building on the Backbone

I think I have the backbone of my revised Slaanesh CSM army figured out. Right now, it's looking like this: HQ: Chaos Lord w/Mark of Slaanesh, Aura of Dark Glory, Power Sword, Chaos Bike, Veterans of the Long War - 135 Troops: 9 Noise Marines w/8 Sonic Blasters, 1...