Expanding My Slaaneshi Marines

With the new Chaos Marine codex changing up point costs and making some units more attractive than before, I figured it was time to re-examine my Slaanesh CSM army and see what I could build out from my collection of abandoned sprues, as well as a few new purchases....

New Chaos Marines Codex: First Impressions for Slaanesh

The new Chaos Space Marine codex is upon us, and while the basics are roughly the same as the last version, there's been a lot of changes in the specifics. What does this mean for Slaanesh CSM players like me? Let's take a look at the changes for those followers of...

Midwest Massacre Part 3: The Lessons Learned

So, what lessons did I take away from the Midwest Massacre, especially as regards my Tau? Aegis Defense Lines are a must-have right now: Easily one-third of all armies at the tournament were running Aegis Defense Lines, and I can't say I blame them. Between the extra...

Midwest Massacre 2: The Results

So, with my army ready for the tournament, it was time to play 6 rounds of 40K. The Midwest Massacre's games worked somewhat similar to tournaments like the Bay Area Open, where there were 3 different missions in play simultaneously in each game, with the winner being...

Midwest Massacre Part 1: Preparations Complete

Friday night, I finished up my painting for the Midwest Massacre, and here's how everything came out. The basing is a bit rudimentary, and not all the details are done, but the minis themselves are at a decent tabletop standard. For a week and a half's worth of...