by Nykona Sharrowkyn | Jan 10, 2014
World Eaters are here in the form of Red Butchers.The Legion-specific terminators have been the hallmark of the Horus Heresy line from Forge World, and now the World Eaters get their due.From Forge World: On the killing ground of Isstvan III, there were World Eaters...
by Nykona Sharrowkyn | Jan 8, 2014
The Tyranid info is flowing like bug juice! Thanks to DaBoarder and BoLS for these!Psychic Powers:NO BRB ACCESS!Dominion, primaris: blessing, targets psyker, +6" synapse, ML1Catalyst: Blessing, FNP on caster and unit within 12" ML1The Horror: Malediction,...
by Nykona Sharrowkyn | Jan 4, 2014
GW put out their Tyranid video, show 360 views of some of the new models. Plus some rules have been leaked from those who have seen the codex.TYRANID RULES PREVIEWVia DaBoarder on BoLSForce org slots based on kitsHQ:DeathleaperCarnifex (OOE)Hive/tyrant guard...
by Nykona Sharrowkyn | Jan 3, 2014
The Tyranids are here! Preorders are up. New beasties await! Haruspex / ExocrineHarpy / Hive CronePsychic Powers You can find all the new releases on the Games Workshop website.Nykona
by Nykona Sharrowkyn | Jan 3, 2014
The Black Library is re-releasing Brotherhood of the Storm.The Horus Heresy novella was released as a limited edition two years ago, and like other limited editions, it is now coming out as an open edition. And thankfully, as an eBook as well.From The Black...