New Thousand Sons Horus Heresy Audiobook

New Thousand Sons Horus Heresy Audiobook

The Thousand Sons are back!The Black Library has released a new, 35 minute audio drama with the sons of Prospero.  The description gives hints that Magnus and Ahriman are looking for clues as to which side they should align themselves with in the civil war that...
Escalation and Stronghold Assault arrive!

Escalation and Stronghold Assault arrive!

Two new books come out next weekend that will expand 40K in very positive ways. Escalation and Stronghold Assault are available for pre-order here.  (Though you should but them from yoru FLGS and support them!)From Games Workshop: Warhammer 40,000:...
War Machines of the Adeptus Astartes Released

War Machines of the Adeptus Astartes Released

Forge World has released the second edition of their second Imperial Amrour book "War Machines of the Adeptus Astartes".Damn!  I am falling behind on my Forge World orders.  I easily need $ 1,000 to buy everything I want.From Forge World: Imperial...
Escalation and Stronghold Assault Details!

Escalation and Stronghold Assault Details!

Escalation and Stronghold Assault are both big 40K expansions. This is a big week for White Dwarf and 40K.  Two big new books are coming, expanding the 40K universe: Escalation and Codex Stronghold Assault. From Kroothawk on Warseer: EscalationEach...
"Prepare For War" Video from GW Released

"Prepare For War" Video from GW Released

Ok, like we don't already have a war?I mean what is the whole "Galaxy in Flames" and "In the year 40,000, there is only war".  What that isn't war enough?Oh well, here you go, latest teaser from GW.Go forth and kill.Nykona