by Nykona Sharrowkyn | Nov 15, 2013
Any discount on Forge World is always welcome. And now you can get free shipping.You could always get free shipping for orders over £250, but not everyone spends that much money every time. I always did as I am such a plastic crack addict. But over...
by Nykona Sharrowkyn | Nov 13, 2013
The Iron Hands supplement "Clan Raukaan" is set to be released.These supplements are the biggest change in Games Workshop's business model, and continue to show that The Black Library and Forge World are the divisions doing the really interesting work. They give...
by Nykona Sharrowkyn | Nov 11, 2013
More detail on the Inqusition Codex from White Dwarf Daily. This codex is shaping up to be a goodie. Not that this army is going to be the next big Meta-changing army (I honestly don't give a damn about that), but it is going to give us GREAT fluff and a...
by Nykona Sharrowkyn | Nov 9, 2013
Games Workshop will be beefing up the Imperial Guard with the upcoming release.And it looks like this is just the kit so many of us who actually use Veterans or Stromtroopers could use.Courtesy of StrykerSniper on WarseerI did have a tiny look behind the iron curtain...
by Nykona Sharrowkyn | Nov 8, 2013
Another awesome Horus Heresy tank has been released by Forge World.Whle the images have been out for a while, Forge World now has officially released the Heresy-era version of the venerable Vindicator.From Forge World:The Deimos pattern is an early type of Vindicator...