7th Edition 3 Book Format and Photos

7th Edition 3 Book Format and Photos

More news and photos on 7th Edition.From BoLS:Warhammer 7th Edition: Price: roughly $80Edition is presented in a new format, 3 hardcover books in a slipcover.  Pagecount of all three is about 450 pages in total:The Rulebook: @200 pages, only rulesThe...
New Forge World Goodies

New Forge World Goodies

Forge World is bringing out lots of accessories for us geeks.First is an awesome Mechanicum bag for your rule books: Then a line of Hoodies!Check out Forge World Bulletin # 16 for more.Nykona
VIDEO: Jervis Gives 7th Edition Insight

VIDEO: Jervis Gives 7th Edition Insight

New video with Jervis talking Force Org and Army ListsIt is quite a big change in the game.  Tournament organizers will need to keep things in check, but the move towards Apocalypse continues.With my focus on 30K, this isn't very relevant to me, but it is to most...
7th Edition Boxed Set Rumors

7th Edition Boxed Set Rumors

What's up in 7th edition? We took some time off for two major projects and we are back.  Expect a lot of updates this weekend.From BoLS comes the latest on the 7th Edition Starter Set:Blood Angels (suitably bedazzled) - Brother-Captain w/JumpPack- Tactical...