Apocalypse 2: Tauriffic Boogaloo Teaser 3

            After having noticed that several shipments of a vital material have been going missing from the Hector Sector, an investigation had been undertaken.  It was found that the Tau have been...

Apocalypse 2: Tauriffic Boogaloo teaser 2

++INCOMING TRANSMISSION++  ++OUTSIDE INTERFERENCE SUSPECTED+++Magistrate;++The planet here has been corrupted by an alien race called the Tau.++No shipments were...++Interference from Tau...have taken great care to...message will reach you.++Aid from Astartes...

Apocalypse 2: Tauriffic Boogaloo

            The data entry clerk checked and double checked his numbers, and still things did not seem to add up.  With a sweaty palm he pressed the dusty emergency button that he was informed to push if ever he came across...

Misfits of 40K: Episode 5

Ok, so I didn’t have a hidden easter egg in the last episode for a clue to this episode, boo hoo.  So I’ll give it to you now, F***ed O**… anyone… no?  Well, this is especially for you Necron players, even though you probably have no clue as to what I am...

40K Misfits: Episode 4

For those of you who guessed that pulling a rabbit out of my ass was the clue for today’s episode, you are right!  I am going to talk about MAGIC. Tada!Ok, not magic per-se, but psychic powers, and not just any powers, but the Chaos Space Marine ones in...