VERY IMPORTANT NEWS – 40K 6th Edition; June 30th 2012

I interrupt this broadcast to bring an announcement that you are probably all aware of anyway. I have just received confirmation that the 6th Edition of Warhammer 40,000 will be released on June 30th 2012.This is earlier than I was expecting it (even with the...

Review – "Instant Mold" Part 1

Welcome back oink-fans. Here is the first in a two part review of the "Instant-Mold" product. Instant Mold (correctly spelt as Mould - but I'm willing to forgive on this occassion) is basically a material that allows you to make a "pattern" from which you are able to...

Storing Your Models

Anyone who's been around this blog for a while will know that I've got far too many Imperial Guard (mostly unpainted I must add!) So, when Mrs Oink declared that it all needs to get tidied away I had to come up with a plan to store it all away in as few cases as...

Blood Bowl Pitch

Well, just a shortie from me at the minute, I've just received some models for a cool commission I'll be working on, but that almost pales in comparisson to the fact that blood bowl is very much back on my radar thanks in no small part to a friend putting together a...

The ones we forget!

Space Marines! I found these guys in my loft the other day whilst looking for some Epic models that I was thinking of selling off. The funny thing is that these guys are clearly old and I have very little recollection of painting them! Early in my modelling "career" I...