Middlehammer Nostalgia

Yep, a whopping 72 pages You have no doubt heard of Warhammer (even though it's now dead). Possibly you are also familiar with Oldhammer - an appreciation of the older versions of the game, usually from the 1980's. But what if you were a fan of the not quite as old...

Blood Rage Dwarf and Giant

A couple more beards for Beardecember, from the Blood Rage game. First we have a dwarf, not the same aesthetic as the usual barrel bodied, armoured warrior. This is a dwarf in the Norse mythological tradition. These creatures live in the hills and are magical - dwarfs...

Oathmark Goblins Review

I recently jumped on to the pre-order offer from North Star games and was happy to receive a parcel in the post just yesterday. For the uninitiated, Osprey Games are developing a mass fantasy game system and these goblins are the second plastic set to be released....

Anvil of Doom

Skagg Hammarhand, Runepriest of Oakenhammer, with Anvil Guards Hurgin and Durgin. Most of the time, Skagg spends his time in the hold, forging weapons and armour for the thane and his warriors. But recently, incursions by wandering Undead have required more in the way...

It’s Beardecember!

It's that time of year, when beards start to appear everywhere. No longer confined to your local hipster bar, they spring up - on store shelves, advent calendars, food packaging. Almost everything suddenly has a beard (or antlers). And that's my rather flimsy excuse...