The Search For Faramir

Previously on Ambush in AnorienĀ - "We saw him vanquish the troll, my Lord, then he charged into some orcs and we lost sight of him....." Orc scouts fire on advancing Gondor search parties In our last game, orcs have ambushed Boromir and Faramir and their patrol in a...

X.IV – Nurgle Giant

It's my look back to the year 2011 as part of my X celebration series. This was a very busy period for the blog, as I added to three of my main armies. The dwarfs got the bulk of my time and attention as Avatars of War released plastic dwarf berserkers. It was quite...

Bilbo Baggins

It's Bilbo Baggins' birthday! September 22nd is the date the hobbit celebrates his birthday, and as mentioned in yesterday's post he is 80 years old - in publishing terms that is. It's also the autumn equinox today, I wonder if Tolkien chose the date for this reason?...

Happy Birthday Bilbo!

Bilbo Baggins is eighty years old!* Or rather, the book The Hobbit was first published on September 21, 1937. You could argue that this is day zero for all the fantasy stuff we read, we watch on TV and the cinema, we play games over. Without The Hobbit there would...

Lord of Bleak Fell

Shunned by man, haunted by fell wolves and restless spirits, Bleak Fell lies deep in the jagged mountain range known as Helsridge. At one time in the distant past, it was the burial place of kings, a place where the dead were honoured. Interred in palatial tombs,...