North Star Goblins previewed

I spotted this picture on the Lead Adventure Forum - a preview of upcoming plastic orcs/goblins. These are three ups, master models which are reduced in size - the final versions will have slimmer bases, slightly less defined details. I like the look of these, they...

V&V Miniatures Vikings Review

I have been keeping an eye on V&V Miniatures for the past year or so, as they released more and more vikings. Finally, with my birthday around the corner, I gave in to temptation and put in an order. I had read on facebook that they take a while to ship - it was about...


It's my birthday next week! I usually book a holiday, but unfortunately I was unable to get that particular time slot and had to settle for a week earlier than usual. However, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. For one, it's actually sunny - not always a...


A unit of hastily painted ghouls. As I said in my last post, I am keen to get something painted more rapidly than the usual months (years!) long slog, so these are a bit rough around some edges. Still, I am happy with them for the amount of time spent on them. These...

The Undead Rise Again

I am feeling the need to complete something. My dwarfs are plodding along as ever, I am still waiting for viking reinforcements, and my Elves are just too overwhelming to contemplate at the moment. I want something to blast through in a short time. Undead are ideal...